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Signed in as:
The Golden Apple has a very simple primary mission – to save the world. It is never going to be a ‘business’, its primary function will never be to make money. It is going to be a system of practices and teachings to help make humans good. Its aims are not numbers, or profits, or fame; and it will not promise clients ‘success’ in the modern sense of the word, namely wealth and fame. It will help humans flourish.
“It is composed, not as a feat for the applause at the moment, but as an everlasting possession.”
I do not write for the average person. 99% of people will likely ignore me. This is not only acceptable; this is preferable. Whenever any belief attracts a large number of followers, the institution becomes susceptible to corruption and rot. Just look at organized religion. I would celebrate 10 close, personal clients, much more than a million followers on social media.
There is a dark, nefarious force seeking to enslave humanity. I know you are aware of this – despite how ‘pleasant’ things may seem – you might have access to a house, and cheap food, and cheap entertainment – but you see the amount of evil flourishing in the world. If you are not aware of the Satanic cult that has infiltrated global governments, religions, financial institutions, and secret societies like Freemasons and Skull and Bones; the first objective of the Golden Apple will be to demonstrate and bring awareness to this cult.
My aim is to create a unifying, global community of Light to counteract this dark force. Change will never, ever come from the top. We continually keep replacing corrupt politicians with corrupt politicians. Anyone, ANYONE, who achieves success and fame in any field has sold their soul to achieve it. There are no modern role models. Every president, every celebrity, every musician and actor, every pop scientist, every single ‘authority’ in science, medicine, and any academic field, is corrupt. They are actors, furthering the agenda of the cult who runs things. Change will have to come from the bottom, from the common citizen.
The second objective of the Golden Apple will be improving ourselves. Having a destroyed body, mind, and spirit is very important for this cult to maintain control. Look around at society – everyone is obese, idiotic, brainwashed, morally reprehensible and wicked. The drug abuse, both illegal and legal drugs pushed on by pharmaceutical companies, the suicides, the complete lack of hope or optimism in people. We must undo the physical damage of inactivity and toxic food air and water, we must undo the mental damage of mass media and a failed education system, and we must undo the spiritual damage of the promotion of filth and degeneracy in every aspect of society.
All civilizations collapse – it is the law of Rhythm. Despite the extreme hatred of America – the first society in the world to given rights to women, the first society in the world to abolish slavery, the first society to outlaw religious persecution, the first society blessed with free speech and weapons rights – it was an amazing experiment. However, if you do not see the writing on the wall for the collapse of this country, you are blind. No society has ever recovered from this deep of a Communist infiltration – America has a few years left unless God intervenes. Our financial system is corrupt beyond repair, our government is bought and paid for, our police and military have been infiltrated, our health is in the hands of billionaire psychopaths focused on profits, and our mass media works to promote Cultural Marxism. We are rigged to implode just like the towers on 9/11.
Imagine waking up on December 26, 2004 in Indonesia, and seeing the tide receded a hundred feet. Many people were entertained, and a lot went out to walk on the ocean floor. However, those who knew that such a deep recession meant a huge tsunami was on the way, saw the warning signs and ran for higher ground. The question is, are you going to keep being entertained and exploring the receded America, or are you going to move to higher ground and prepare? Being a good, flourishing human being will give you much more hope to survive the imminent tsunami.