In order to describe what the Golden Apple is, it is necessary to describe what the Golden Apple is against.
-We are against the psychopathic minority of rich bankers who have enslaved the world with fiat currency and central privately owned banks such as the Federal Reserve.
-We are against the Satanic cult that has infiltrated these bankers, government, media, police and military – a cult that operates on kidnapping, torture, sacrifice, pedophilia, and cannibalism.
-We are against the planned New World Order global communist slavery government being implemented by NGO’s such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Club of Rome.
-We are against digital AI control via mandatory vaccine microchipping, global 5G surveillance grid, and radio mind control.
-We are against the cultural Marxism perpetuated by places such as Tavistock Institute, in addition to globalists such as George Soros and Klaus Schawb, who fund movements such as transgenderism, sexual promiscuity, veganism, climate change, and other subversive leftist movements.
-We are against the corrupt health system; from the doctors who are paid pharmaceutical drug peddlers, to the pharmaceutical companies who bribe the doctors and academics, to the repugnant media who spreads lies and health disinformation.
-We are against the continual poisoning of our food by agricultural companies, our water by herbicides and fertilizer, and our air by chemicals dispersed in the air to combat ‘climate change’.
-We are against the raping and pillaging of this planet, just so a spoiled welfare child can have a new iPhone.
-We are against the massive amount of evil committed by every global government; from orchestrating wars for profit and population cleansing, to institutionalized child trafficking in the CIA and Vatican, to deplorable actions such as MK-Ultra, Operation: Mockingbird, Operation: Northwoods, the Tuskegee experiments, the JFK assassination, and 9/11.
-We are also against anyone who is either apathetic or repulsed by these truths. These things are happening day by day, and it is because of the apathy and ignorance of the mass population that these things are allowed to happen. If these things are unknown to you but you are curious, or if you are aware of these things but overwhelmed as to how to fight back, the Golden Apple is our answer. The bad news is that these problems have been going on forever. The good news is that these problems have been going on forever, and lots of smart people and cultures answered it – not with violence or revolt, but by quitting to support the entities that perpetuate this system, then the whole thing will topple over.
The only good government, is no government. The word Anarchy does not mean chaos, or social unrest, or violence and murder. Anarchy comes from the Greek ‘an’ meaning ‘without’ and ‘archon’ which means ‘ruler, power’. Anarchy just means we refuse to abdicate 40-70% of our income to fund these global travesties. Without a government, the strength and prosperity of a society would be equivalent to the state of the average person. Then, living under ‘anarchy’, we could practice small, close communities and regenerative farming, crafting and production that has meaning and purpose beyond profit, and release hidden, suppressed technology such as free energy. Therefore, the average person has to be better for society to become better.
What does it mean for a person to be better? That is what becoming a Golden Apple client means. I am still seeking to answer that myself. I want to be a trainer, a doctor, a therapist, and an over-all life-improver, but do not believe in school and certifications. I am seeking ‘clients’ to experiment on, to practice my ideas and to give me feedback and critique the system. Eventually I will create a website portal for everyone who is enrolled.
Becoming a client would involve: Physical Training: This would involve things including personal training, to nutrition education, to daily mobility and movement, to physical therapy and bodywork, supplement and drug use, health and medical issues. Mental Training: This will involve reading assignments, attending the book club, taking part in debate, giving a presentation to educate others, mental therapy and self-healing, emotional control and mastering our emotions and passions. Spiritual Training: This will involve meditation practice, comparative religion and mythology studies, cultural and historical studies, musical training, and eventually teachings of the true occult nature of reality.
If this all sounds overwhelming, it should. Perfection of the human body is a lifelong endeavor, multiple lifetimes. It is an ideal to strive for, not a goal to reach. They say there are only two errors in following this path – not getting started; and quitting once you have started. I strive to do everything I can for free – the only things I require in return are patience, commitment, dedication, honesty.
The best, quickest, and easiest way to begin a life of virtue is to develop beneficial habits. The initial training and homework for the Golden Apple initiates will be small daily habits – things such as 10-minute walks, weekly reading assignments, and daily gratitude journaling. Once you prove you can establish good habits, we can do more involved training such as in the gym.
For further consultation, we would do a physical and mental evaluation – to get to know you, to discuss any injuries, any medication, any physical issues, to talk about goals and aspirations, about fears and regrets, and any other pertinent issues. This would be included with a training session that will serve as a diagnostic for further training. How to move, how to breathe, how to perform basic human movement patterns.
We also (try to) host book clubs, usually two Sundays a month. In these, we will read from the great literature around the world from throughout history, starting with the Greeks. We will also discuss topics such as consciousness, the nature and structure of reality, the global elite, and anything besides gossip, drama, and distractions.
When the weather is nice, we will host boot-camp group classes, to spend time outdoors and get sunlight. Exercise and training will always be more successful with a community of like-minded people.
As mentioned, I am continually learning and trying to find what makes a ‘good’ human and how to be ‘good’. As wildly different everyone’s situation is, I am confident there are general guidelines and tactics to grow.
The overall goal will be to develop a network of people where in the event of societal collapse (which is coming sooner than we think) where we would not only survive but thrive.